Igor & The Red Elvises at the Ruins
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Doors open: 5 pm
Event starts: 6 pm
Artist website: Igor & The Red Elvises
Igor Yuzov was born in Germany, raised in Ukraine and studied in Russia. He grew up in the former Soviet Union, where folk music was the norm and rock'n'roll was illegal. A rebellious streak, however, led him to seek out the forbidden music. As soon as it became possible, Igor left Russia for America with his “Folk'n'Roll" band Limpopo and was personally greeted by Ronald Reagan. In 1993, Limpopo won Ed McMahon's Star Search and their popularity began to blossom. In 1995, Igor dreamed that Elvis Presley came to him and told him to start playing rock'n'roll. Igor and his Russian friends became Red Elvises and gave street performances on Santa Monica's 3rd Street Promenade. As their crowds grew larger, the City of Santa Monica ordered them to discontinue their street performances. Evolving over the years, Igor’s music has been labeled "Siberian Surf Rock” which contains humorous lyrics and grooves that forces his audience to dance. Over the past 20 years, Red Elvises have constantly toured all over the world with occasional breaks to record new music and to participate in film and television projects.
Covid Vaccination Policy: Effective Tuesday, August 31st, The Ruins will be requiring proof of COVID vaccination and photo ID for all attendees of our public concerts, indoors or outdoors.
The final dose of vaccine must have been received at least 14 days prior to the event. We will not be accepting negative COVID tests in lieu of vaccination proof. Masks will still be required when not eating or drinking.
Door Price: $15
Advance Price: $10
All Ages.
Tickets Non-refundable.
Date / time Thu, December 16, 2021 Doors open: 5:00 pm Event begins: 6:00 pm Buy Tickets
Venue info The Ruins
13 Railroad Street
Hood River
OR, 97031 (541) 308-0700 Visit Venue