Kirkland Heathman - Zombie Wine Crawl - Wine Walk
Friday, October 21, 2022
Event Begins: 5 pm
Event ends: 8:30 pm
Event website: Kirkland Chamber Wine Walks
2022 Kirkland Wine Walks a Kirkland Chamber and Kirkland Downtown Association Event
Get your Halloween on early and experience the hilarious annual Zombie Wine Crawl! Taste some of Washington's finest wines and check out local merchants in downtown Kirkland. Tickets allow access to wineries in approximately 14 locations after check-in. Costumes are encouraged, but you don’t need to be a Zombie or even dress up like one to join in on all the fun!
Parking is available around downtown Kirkland.
Wine must be finished or dumped into the provided dump bucket prior to exiting each establishment.
This is a collaboration between the Kirkland Chamber of Commerce, Kirkland Downtown Association, and Seattle Uncorked.
Choose what wines, beer, and spirits you want to try from:
Date / time Fri, October 21, 2022 Event begins: 5:00 pm Buy Tickets
Venue info Heathman Hotel Kirkland
220 Kirkland Ave
WA, 98033 (425) 822-7066