SlowFest at the Washington Park Amphitheater
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Doors: 1:00 pm
Event: 2:00 pm
At the Washington Park Amphitheater on August 26th, 2023 a one-day music festival titled, "SlowFest" will be happening. In congruence with Jason Savage's upcoming downtown mural honoring the music of Portland, called Sounds of our Town, Slowfest will pay tribute to the rock musicians who have shaped Portland's music history as well as usher in the musicians of Portland's future.
The theme of the event is taking it "Slow." Spending the day in one of the most beautiful city parks, listening to authentic Portland music, and lounging around with friends enjoying some of the finest food and beverage Portland has to offer with an emphasis on health. The objective of the event is to create a fun, calming atmosphere for all attendees, and revitalize the public's interest in the city of Portland and its history of music.
Featured Artists:
Freaks of the Sea
Ghost Feet
Sun Atoms
Piano Push Play
Megn Diana
Candy Cigarettes
More artists TBD
"A portion of the ticket sales will go towards the My Voice Music, helping youth to write, record, perform, and release original songs"
This is an outdoor event.
Online: $50
Door: $75
21 & over.
Tickets non-refundable.
Date / time Sat, August 26, 2023 Doors open: 1:00 pm Event begins: 2:00 pm Buy Tickets
Venue info Washington Park Amphitheater
410 SW Kingston Ave
OR, 97205