Exhibits & Cocktail at FashioNXT Plaza - 6 pm
A world of lifestyle product showcases by brands that are leading the frontier of fashion & lifestyle, accessories and personal technology.
The up close and personal experience with the designers.
Shopping from the fashion and accessories
exhibitors in the Plaza.
Runway Show - 8 pm
Ready to Wear and Couture Designers:
Retail Runway Presentation:
Market Hour at Plaza - 9:30 pm
Meet n’ greet the night’s designers, see their designs up-close. Open to all guests, press and buyers
Box - $800 (4 People, VIP Lounge & 2 Drink Coupons)
Row 1 Front-Center Patron - $195 (Center Row Seating, VIP Lounge & 2 Drink Coupons)
Row 1 Patron - $150 (VIP Lounge & 2 Drink Coupons)
Row 2 VIP - $110 (VIP Lounge & 1 Drink Coupon)
Row 3 Preferred Seating - $90
Row 4 Preferred Seating - $70
Standing - $45
Box, Patron & VIP - Your comp drink tickets will be emailed to you in advance.
Prepurchased Drink Coupons may be collected at Drink Coupon Booth on-site.