Online tickets-sales for this show are closed at this time. If tickets are provided at the door, arrive at the venue before the show.

The 12th Swashbuckler's Ball - GA

Saturday, January 20th, 2024

7:00 pm - Midnight

Doors: 7:00 pm (GA)
Begins: 8:00 pm

Website: Swashbuckler's Ball
Facebook: Swashbuckler's Ball

Celebrate the triumphant return of Portland's Pirate Prom!
Hold fast and make ready, the Swashbuckler's Ball returns for a glorious 12th year! Join the crew for Portland's Pirate Prom on Saturday, January 20th, 2024 as we return to the grand halls of Portland Elk's Lodge #142. A glorious night out for pirates, buccaneers, and nautical miscreants of all stripes. Dance the night away while enjoying some of the greatest music, grub, and grog this side of Tortuga!

General Admission Tickets: 
Presale - $75 
Day of - $85 

Each GA ticket includes:
Entry beginning at 7:00 PM
Access to all stages and bars in the venue

Featuring live entertainment from...

Catch CU3 for a high-energy, Celtic-inspired, pint-raising set on the Quarterdeck Stage! Coming Up Threes is a six-piece Irish pub band that formed in Portland, OR in early 2012. The band features Bill Tollner on guitar and lead vocals; multi-instrumentalist Jeremy Bauer on penny whistle, banjo, bodhran, percussion, and vocals; Naoyuki Ochiai on fiddle, accordion, and vocals; Chad Marks-Fife on Fiddle, Mandolin, and vocals; Charlie Norris on bass; and David Fender on drums.

Portland's own bringing Irish rebel songs & shanties, lively session tunes, and mournful Gaelic ballads. The Biddys are a favorite Belowdecks mainstay!

A SwashBall favorite, Bergamot returns with a troupe of performers and their signature sultry nautical burlesque show. Don't miss their performance on the Quarterdeck Stage!

Music to plunder by! This hot Portland-based band re-invents the classic sea shanty with twists of genre and brilliant harmonies, capturing Blues, Celtic, Nordic, Latin, Calypso, Country, and even a few forced men!

We're excited to have this troupe return for their second year at SwashBall!

With more entertainment to be announced!


Delve belowdecks and make your way to the swampy confines of The Bayou, but beware of cursed loot in The Treasury. Spend yer hard-earned coin in the Orcs Belly Inn.

There are new bars! Can you find them all? Don't worry, we'll give you a map!

Dance the night away at the Quarterdeck Stage, hoist your tankard in The Treasury, and sip a sultry pint in The Bayou.

Custom cocktails themed from our mates at Cruzan Rum and BG Reynolds especially for the evening. Plus a variety of ale, cider, and more!

An expanded row of piratical merchants!

Capture your revelry with our fabulous photo booth, courtesy of Portlandia Fortune Tellers!

About the venue:
The Milwaukie-Portland Lodge #142 is one of the largest Lodges in the country with a 63,000-square-foot building housed on 5.7 acres on McLoughlin Blvd, next to the TriMet parking garage. Located just south of Downtown Milwaukie, this exciting venue allows us to feature multiple stages and multiple bars! Conveniently located at the end of the Orange MAX line. This year's venue also features ample on-site parking!


21 & Over
Tickets are Non-Refundable

The 12th Annual Swashbuckler's Ball - GA

Date / time Sat, January 20, 2024 Doors open: 7:00 pm Event begins: 8:00 pm Buy Tickets

Venue info Milwaukie Elks Lodge - OLD 13121 SE McLoughlin Blvd
Milwaukie , OR, 97222
(503) 654-9588

Online tickets-sales for this show are closed.