Online tickets-sales for this show are closed at this time. If tickets are provided at the door, arrive at the venue before the show.

PDX Jazz Thursdays at The Hoxton, Tyrone Hendrix Quartet

Thursday, April 25, 2024

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Artist: Tyrone Hendrix

Event: PDX Jazz, Lovely Rita - The Hoxton, Portland  

Having been the heartbeat for artists such as Prince and Stevie Wonder, Portland's very own Tyrone Hendrix embodies the quintessential trifecta: drummer, composer and producer. The genre-crossing multi instrumentalist will draw you in with his eclectic and innovative style of energetic beats and pulse-pounding percussion, seamlessly blended with elements of funk, jazz and hip hop.

PDX Jazz is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of PDX Jazz is to evolve the art of jazz by engaging our community, celebrating live performances, and enhancing arts education. 

The Hoxton is a series of open-house hotels inspired by the diversity and originality of the streets and scenes that surround us.


$15 — General Admission

$10 — PDX Jazz Members / Hoxton Guests

Tickets non-refundable. 

PDX Jazz Thursdays at The Hoxton, Tyrone Hendrix Quartet

Date / time Thu, April 25, 2024 Doors open: 4:30 pm Event begins: 5:00 pm Buy Tickets

Venue info Lovely Rita - The Hoxton, Portland 15 NW 4th Ave.
Portland , OR, 97209
(503) 770-0500

Online tickets-sales for this show are closed.